Exams are the way to test student’s knowledge. Exams are necessary in schools to find out the real skills, talents and knowledge of the students. Exams teach us lot of things and give training to various things like punctuality, writing skills, time sense, expressing our thoughts and opinions and so on. Without exam it is very hard to find out the real knowledge of a student.
Evaluation is a process of collecting information or evidence regarding the progress of the child. It refers to judging the quality of the child’s work on the basis of an established set of criteria and assigning value (grade or mark) to represent the quality.
Evaluation is thus the process of finding out the extent to which a child has attained what he /she should have, with in a specific time period against expected learning outcome.
Examination Plan
Apart from the above mentioned examinations, chapter wise test will be conducted every
month for all the classes.
The methods followed for Internal Assessments are project work, Practical, Aural, Oral,
Group activities etc.
After each evaluation process there is an ‘open day’ (PTM) to discuss about the child’s
performance and progress.
A consolidated report card is issued for term exams in order to track the record of the
improvement of each student.
Examination and evaluation of Grade X & XII will be conducted directly by the CISCE
The students should secure an aggregate of 33% and 35% and pass in all subjects to
clear Grade X & XII respectively.